Welcome. Without sounding too egotistical, the purpose of this site is both fundamentally important to mankind and the relevance of the Internet, as well as utterly pointless, futile, and fun in a sea of Internet obscurity.

We aim to inform, entertain, and invoke. This may be through the most serious of news stories that may not be getting mentioned, or this may be through a stupid video of a cat falling off a table. Regardless, the net is an infinite mess of interwoven stories of grave seriousness and ultimate irrelevance, and we aim to bring to the forefront just a few things on the net worth noticing.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Some reasons to vote Obama.

Obama is the only candidate to have released his tax forms. (neither McCain or Clinton have)

Obama has released his earmarks. (Clinton has not)

Hillary Clinton reigns as the Queen of Federal Pork

Obama was rated #1 in environmental policy by the League of Conservation Voters


Obama was right about Pakistan, back when Hillary was calling him "naive"

Washington Post gave Obama's economic plan an A- and gave Hillary's a C.

Wall Street Journal preferred Obama's healthcare plan over Hillary Clinton's

Judge Obama by his legislative achievments, which are quite impressive, according to the Washington Post

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